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Alaska is for the Birds!

Written by: Susan Ewing
Illustrator: Evon Zerbetz

Published by Alaska Northwest Books

Hardcover  $18.99

40 pages in full color

8.5 x 10 inches

ISBN: 978-1513128665

Alaska is for the Birds!  is inspiring a new generation of bird enthusiasts. Quick, witty verses introduce the superpowers of fourteen birds that reside or summer in Alaska. (Important superpowers like being pelagic, changing feather color to match the willows, or having a handy pectinate claw!) 


Susan explores the lives of birds—their habits and peculiarities—through her witty poems that are grounded in natural history. We look at water birds, song birds, hole drillers, nectar drinkers, dancing birds, and both migratory birds and residents. The state bird walks into one double page spread.

Evon captures each bird personality in handsome linocut portraits. With a rich palette of antique hues, these bird cuts have important features that a reader will recognize in nature, yet are whimsical enough to entertain.


40 pages include more about the birds, and bird words, to enhance the reader's journey into birds.


This is the book for birders to share with their young nieces and nephews and for art and bird lovers of all ages!


Find a book/study guide with activities at

Reading age: ‎ 5 - 8 years

Grade level: ‎ Kindergarten - 3 

Suitable gift for 0-101 years

Winner of  the National Outdoor Book Award 2022

About the Author.

Susan Ewing writes science and nature books for children and adults. Visit her website at


Alaskan birds come to life in this exquisite book.
                                        —School Library Journal

Evon Zerbetz   |   PO Box 8943   |   Ketchikan, Alaska 99901   |   © 2023 Evon Zerbetz
I live and work on the ancestral lands of the Taant’a Kwáan and Sanyaa Kwáan Tlingit
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