WIC's Fruit and Vegetable Campaign, 2012
Client: State of Alaska—WIC Program
Project: Nutrition and Health Campaigns
I have worked with the WIC folks on four campaigns, and I enjoy working to meet their needs. I ask them right away for their punch list of what they want to communicate in their poster. For their campaign to promote fruits and vegetables (shown above), they said, "We want to include a farmer's market; a baby; a toddler; a grandmother; the words 'WIC,' 'senior,' and 'SNAP;' and an infant. Make sure the vegetables would be found in Alaskan farmer's markets ... oh, and could you throw in some frozen vegetables AND elders doing subsistence gathering?" Got it! I love a puzzle and they give me some of the best ones to solve. (X-ray shopping bags appear to be the key to many challenges.)

Above: WIC's Water Campaign poster (2009)
WIC's Water Campaign targets the reduction of dental caries.

WIC's Family Meals Campaign, sharing meals makes strong families.

Client: Alaska Folk Festival
Project: Design for poster and merchandise, 2013
Alaska's beloved folk festival draws people from all over the state and beyond for a magical week of music, dancing, and friendships.

Client: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Project: Watershed on Wheels (WoW Express), a 26 foot trailer van and exhibits, 2009
Linocut Size: 18 x 52 inches
The Watershed on Wheels is the mobile visitor center for the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge. Currently, the refuge is comprised of over 36,000 acres within parts of the four Connecticut River watershed states of New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.
In addition to attending local fairs and festivals throughout the Connecticut River watershed, the WoW Express has an environmental education program tied to state and national science standards for 3rd-5th grades that focuses on watersheds, rivers, adaptations, and habitats.
My linocut was carved at 1/6 size and enlarged into the 26 foot trailer wrap. I designed the cut so that details of the image could be cropped and used for exhibit panels and experiences that came out of the van for an event.
Client: Dawn Allen-Herron
Project: Invitation, 2003
Commission for original art for an invitation to the ordination of Dawn Allen-Herron to the Sacred Order of Priest.
Client requested a modern version of the Annunciation paintings, which I depicted as a raven visitation.

Client: Northwest Bookfest, Seattle, WA
Project: Identity for Annual Poster, 1996
Title : Simply Messing About in Books
Northwest Bookfest was Seattle's book fair for the public, housed for one weekend a year on Pier 48.
I was invited to create an image for the the fest; it happened to be the same year that my first picture book for children was published.
I carved this red book in an earlier project, Quoth the Raven: "Read Some More and decided to send it on a new adventure.

Client: Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association, Eugene, Oregon
Project: Annual Book Awards Poster, 1993
Title : Quoth the Raven, "Read Some More!"
Ravens have the most vocalizations of any animal, second only to humans. I wanted to imagine what type of book a raven might read.