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Station of the Raven XI:

"Get Away, Get Away"

Vigorously protective of their nests, ravens have been known to drop sticks and stones on intruders who get too close. A scientist may consider, however, if this bombing is intentional or just the side effect of a nervous corvid picking at a tree? Such missiles are a last resort—more often ravens will fly overhead hoping to drive the trespasser away with raucous “kaawing” and a vociferous wing-flapping as if to say, “Get out of here!”

Evon Zerbetz   |   PO Box 8943   |   Ketchikan, Alaska 99901   |   © 2023 Evon Zerbetz
I live and work on the ancestral lands of the Taant’a Kwáan and Sanyaa Kwáan Tlingit
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