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OCTOBER 13, 14, 15, 2023 • REVILLAGI-TANGO

Immerse yourself in Argentine Tango! Be part of Ketchikan’s first tango weekend, with guest teacher Gabriela Condrea from Seattle. Experience the power of connection through tango, step by step. Gabriela is a creative teacher that will introduce you to concepts of the dance through games and exercises that make learning fun, easy and accessible—before you know it, you will be dancing.


Gabriela will build on the classes through the weekend. Take the Friday evening and/or Saturday morning, to be set to take other classes that weekend.

Our milonga on Saturday night will feature live tango music by a string trio. This evening will be for dancing and listening—bring your non-dancing friends and family. Live music sets will be interspersed with dj’d tango music from the golden age.

Catered snack/light lunch will be available for our break between classes on Sunday afternoon.




Friday, October 13 

6:00 – 8:00 pm     1. “A Playful Introduction to Argentine Tango”

8:00 – 10:00          Práctica


Saturday, October 14

11:00 - 1:00 pm    2. “Tango is Walking with Style”

break for lunch

2:30  -  4:30pm    3.  “Linear vs. Circular Movement”

8:00  - 11:00 pm Saturday Night Milonga   (21+ or with parent)

Doors open, dance music at 7:30        

LIVE Music at 8:00 pm 


Sunday, October 15

11:00 - 1:00 pm     4.  “Ochos & Changes of Direction”

snack break on site

1:45  - 3:45  pm     5.  “Musicality & Cozy Embraces”


Photo courtesy of Gabriela Condrea

Class size is limited.  We will be role balancing leads and follows.

If your selected role is full, we will put you on a wait list.


Classes will be at the Main Street Gallery, 330 Main St.

Milonga will be at The Creek Street Cabaret, 123 Stedman St.



ALL WEEKEND PASS  - 10 hours of classes, practica, and milonga   $ 165

CLASS PASS – all  classes    $ 150          

MILONGA only             $   15


Partial volunteer scholarships are available.



Two choices

  1. Sign up and pay on-line for convenience using Evon’s website.

(Note—there is a small service charge (3.75%) for online payment)

   2. Register and Pay in person, with cash or check, at a BOOMbal class; OR drop off your registration and a check at  the Arts Council during open hours. OR  drop in the mail to Evon PO Box 8943 Ketchikan, AK 99901

If paying by check: make payable to Evon Zerbetz.

You will receive an email confirmation when your registration is received







I will take the workshop as a     ___ Lead  or   ___Follow






Amount enclosed: _________________________


____ ALL WEEKEND PASS  - 10 hours of classes (5) , practica, and milonga    $ 165

____ CLASS PASS – all  classes        $ 150  

____ MILONGA only                           $    15      

____ SINGLE FRIDAY NIGHT intro CLASS     $  30  



Meet your instructor

Read about Gabriela here


What's the refund policy?

Cash refunds until September 13:  90%    October 7:  50%

Your class slot is fully transferable to someone else, who will dance the same role (follow or lead) as you registered!!!! Just let us know the new name for your registration. If we have someone on the waitlist that will take your spot, we can help make that transfer!


What should I wear? Bring?

Comfortable clothing or dress it up. The important thing is shoes: wear shoes that allow you to pivot/spin (i.e., do not grip the floor), that are secure on your feet (i.e., no flip-flops), and that you can walk comfortably in. If in doubt, bring an extra pair with you. Tip: You can turn almost any comfortable shoe into a dance shoe by placing an old sock over the front half of the shoe. This should allow you to pivot easily.  Bring your water bottle.

Is tango a difficult dance to learn?

At it's best, Argentine tango is walking beautifully to music in connection with your partner. Much of the tango you see on-line is show or performance tango. The style you see on the floors of Buenos Aires is more relaxed, a walking tango, focused on connection. It won't take long to learn the basics, and then after that it is all practice to grow your ease and  connection. You don't need to add more complex moves, or you can, as you get comfortable.

One thing that makes tango different than say the swing, where we dance a certain step: quick-quick-slow-slow, is that the tango is not syncopated and is open to interpretation by the dancers. Every one on the floor may be hearing the music a little differently, one dancer may be doing some quick steps when another is making an elegant pause!

Coming from out of town?

We can suggest fun accommodations that will be within a few blocks walking distance of all of our classes and milonga.

Stay an extra day and get out for a hike, visit Ray Troll's Cruising the Fossil Coastline exhibit at the museum, visit pole collections, and visit friends in Ketchikan. Attend the annual Fillipino Cultural Celebration. The Tourists have left and the town returns to our autumn/winter pace.

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